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Monday, May 16, 2016

Dear Mary Angel

The Surgery went well. The Retinologist said it couldn't have gone better. My vision, however, is not what I had hoped it would be; even two weeks out. The gas-bubble the doctor placed in my eye has finally disappeared, finally allowing a view of the world without glare or distortion, but I still can't see clearly-- there is still a lot of fogginess, and a lack of clarity... of crispness. The doctor says this could take up to six weeks to clear. I will need glasses no matter how improved my vision becomes.

I had a lot to think about these last two weeks, mostly how the Lord not only provided funding for the procedure, but He provided rent, utilities, and food as well - He knows we have need of things, and He's so generous; lavish, in fact. I only needed three-thousand for the procedure, but the Lord saw fit to provide almost seven-thousand... I am so humbled by His provision... such glorious provision! How do I show Him how grateful I am? I have never experienced such mercy... such unmerited favor. He has restored my vision, albeit imperfectly but, nevertheless, I see! Never have I experienced, personally, God moving on my behalf.

I have much more to tell you, but as time is short I'll have to return to this letter tomorrow. For now I'll simply say you are always in my thoughts, and your family always in my prayers.

With much love


Dear Mary Angel

I'm seeing pretty well these last couple of days; it's easier to read, though I still need my glasses for almost everything.

I hope you are doing well, that your family is blessed and your walk with Him is a fulfilling endeavor

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Dear Mary Angel

My vision is beginning to improve, I'll return again soon with an update, and lots of pent up angst

With much love,


Monday, May 2, 2016

Dear Mary Angel

Just  a note to tell you that I'm going into surgery tomorrow at eleven AM. My eye  is so bad right now I'd be surprised if this is even legible. On the off-chance it is, I hope this is not the last letter I ever send you. I would miss this outlet and I would miss the friendship a great deal. It's in God's hands now, and I trust Him.

I'll see you on the other side

Much love and admiration