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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dear Mary Angel

I have somewhat to tell you -- the task will be challenging, and proof-reading this letter would prove too difficult if not altogether impossible. So I won't.

I have been essentially blind for the last week, functionally blind. I can neither read or work. My vision is clearing, but the retinologist says it could take as much as three weeks more to clear; enough to read abnd return to work. I just didn't want to disappear altogether without a note to you in explanation.

It's frustrating, not being able to write. I have these lines in my head and short of writing huge in a notebook, with a sharpie, I can't get it down,... I'll attempt it here...

        She said she slept one night neath a dreaming tree
        And long neath its bowers dreamt solely of me
        The stars did wheel and turn and glisten she said
        On the leaves of her dreaming, the grass of her bed

How am I to survive three more weeks unable to write -- rather, to read. I dearly miss you... I miss the Mary Angel I knew... the young woman I grew to love. But that's not who you are now, is it? The poem I wrote for you, the one in the sidebar...'the taste of which has long since faded'  I may not remember the taste, or the soft press of your lips but memory keeps both of them very much alive.

It's not good for me to dwell on such things. I just pray you are well. That your family is well, and prospers. That you are truly blest and loved. At some point in the future I will have to have surgery on this eye. Half the light of the world is gone from my eyes. Should you feel inclined, should you read this, please pray for me me.

All my love and best wishes